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There’s Hope for Your Health

Consistent with our mission to deliver hope, we create products that are easy on your digestive system, help rid the body of potential toxins, and are highly bioavailable.

When it comes to supplements, it is not what you take but what you absorb that counts. Therefore, Zemvelo products are formulated with ingredients that catalyze the absorption of essential nutrients. We use proprietary and advanced delivery systems that mirror nature to get you the nutrients your body needs. Every Zemvelo product is designed to be over 90% bioavailable in your body, ensuring absorption rates you may have never experienced previously. You will feel the difference!

Zemvelo Bioavailable Supplements


Zemvelo’s liquid minerals are developed using CHD-FA (carbohydrate-derived fulvic acid), a natural organic substance with many widespread, documented health benefits. Not to be confused with folic acid, fulvic acid is a humic substance, meaning that it is a natural organic acid and a component of soil and rock sediments.


Our solid and powder oral dose products are formulated using a proprietary blend of these two delivery methods — humic-fulvic acid and phospholipid liposomes — to enhance the uptake and absorption of each product’s active ingredients by the body.

Liquid Minerals

Zemvelo’s liquid minerals are developed using CHD-FA (carbohydrate-derived fulvic acid), a natural organic substance with many widespread, documented health benefits.

Powder & Capsule Products

Our solid and powder oral dose products are formulated using a proprietary blend of these two delivery methods — humic-fulvic acid and phospholipid liposomes — to enhance the uptake and absorption of each product’s active ingredients by the body.