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Manganese: Tiny But Mighty

Is it true that some of the most substantive minerals in our bodies function on the smallest doses? Well…YES! The amount needed does not reflect importance. Trace minerals support wellness. One essential trace mineral—manganese—shows their vitality.

What Is Manganese?

An essential trace mineral that supports various body processes, functioning as a coenzyme and cofactor in enzyme systems throughout the body. It supports enzyme systems involved in bone formation, immune responses, metabolism, and reproduction.

Manganese & Our Bodies

Manganese is an essential trace mineral that supports various body processes as both a coenzyme and cofactor in enzyme systems. Enzyme systems regulate biochemical reactions throughout the body. Coenzymes bind to enzymes—temporarily or permanently—to facilitate enzyme actions. Cofactors increase the rate of essential chemical reactions in enzyme systems. This mineral supports enzyme systems as both a coenzyme and cofactor through its involvement in bone formation, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol synthesis, immune responses, immunity, and reproduction. Though not exhaustive, the list below details essential body processes supported by manganese:

  • Bone Formation: cofactor in enzyme systems that support mineral density and bone growth
  • Carbohydrate Metabolism: coenzyme in enzyme systems that break down carbohydrates
  • Cholesterol Synthesis: cofactor in enzyme systems required for cholesterol synthesis
  • Immune Response: supports increased numbers of myeloid cell and NK cell activity
  • Immunity: cofactor in an enzyme system—SOD—that breaks down harmful free radicals
  • Reproduction: cofactor in enzyme systems that support cholesterol synthesis, allowing the production of the steroid hormones required for reproduction

Though the terminology may feel confusing, the bullets above simply reinforce the importance of manganese due to its involvement as both a coenzyme and cofactor in enzyme systems around the body.

Daily Recommended Intake: Manganese

You will find the daily recommended intake for average, healthy adults below:

 Daily Recommended Intake
Adult Males2.3 milligrams/day
Adult Females1.8 milligrams/day
Pregnant Females2.0 milligrams/day
Breastfeeding Females2.6 milligrams/day

Manganese proves important during pregnancy as the female body supports the fetus in its bone growth and cartilage development; breastfeeding tends to require increased daily intakes for essential vitamins and minerals as you pass nourishment onto your baby. You can consume this mineral through your diet or through supplementation. Do whatever best supports your diet preferences and individual nutrient sufficiency. 

Natural Sources of Manganese

We can consume this mineral through whole foods. See examples below:

  • Brown Rice
  • Chickpeas
  • Hazelnuts
  • Oysters
  • Pecans
  • Pineapple
  • Soybeans

You can source this mineral through whole plant foods and shelled seafood. We only require trace amounts, so many individuals reach nutrient sufficiency through diet alone. Despite this, deficiencies persist. If you struggle to consume adequate amounts of essential minerals in your diet, consider supplementation!

Supplementation exists to close nutrient gaps. If you have concerns about your individual health as it relates to manganese intake, reach out to your healthcare provider.

Quick Facts

Manganese supports enzyme systems as both a coenzyme and cofactor through its involvement in bone formation, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol synthesis, immune responses, immunity, and reproduction.

  • What Is It: an essential trace mineral
  • What Does It Do: supports various body systems as a coenzyme and cofactor
  • How Much Do I Need: adult male: 2.3mg/day & adult females—1.8mg/day
  • Natural Sources: shelled seafood and whole plant foods

If you would like to learn more about manganese and ongoing field studies, click here!