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Healthy Autumn Habits

Autumn peaks around the corner, carrying the holiday season procession on its back. There are pumpkins to carve, hay bales to stack, mazes to wander, lights to string and songs to sing. While the holiday season fosters joy and celebration, it also requires preparation and sustained stamina. You want to avoid the common colds that come alongside autumn. Supporting your immune health in this transitional season will ensure that you get to celebrate and partake in all that autumn offers. How can you best serve your body in this new season? Below you will find three healthy autumn habits to kickstart your holiday season!

Healthy Autumn Habits

Whether you have already started your wellness journey—or are simply looking for a first step—remember that your health journey is unique. Implement what resonates with you, your lifestyle and individual journey.

Seek Out Seasonal Adventures

Seasons bring new adventures and activities. Try to dive into those local to you. Aspens glow golden; Sumacs radiate red; Maples offer orange leaves for you to see. State and National parks are great sources of leaf peeping and other weekend autumnal adventures.

Whether you choose to hike through changing leaves and pick pumpkins at your local patch—or stay cozy inside completing your annual Gilmore Girls marathon—intentional time relaxing, resting and recharging will support your overall health and wellness.

Move Your Body

When looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, always prioritize movement. It is vital. When we are sedentary—or overactive—our body responds with lowered energy. Consistent exercise revitalizes our lives in so many ways. Below are five benefits of exercise:

  • Sustainable Energy
  • Balanced Mood
  • Healthy Sleep Quality
  • Boosts Self-Esteem
  • Supports Immune Function

Exercise increases immune cell circulation to support the body in preventing illness. Consistent movement also supports healthy inflammatory response in healthy bodies. Remember that exercise simply means moving your body. Try not to overcomplicate it. The best exercise is one that is sustainable for YOU!

Healthy modes of exercise include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cycling
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Strength Training
  • Walking

If physically able, begin by walking 10k steps every day! You can bundle up and walk outdoors or stay warm and cozy on the treadmill.

Incorporate Seasonal Fruits & Veg

You have likely heard this saying: food is fuel. Commonplace, but true! Food is—literally—fuel.

Our bodies function on the nutrients we consume. A balanced diet supports optimal body function. Understanding that our bodies run on the basis of what we consume allows us to understand how our diet may negatively affect our immune system via nutrient and diet deficiencies. Focus on nutrient-dense whole foods. These often come in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6 and B12 support different immune health properties. Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables allows you to fill your body with immunity supporting nutrients. Outdoor markets close with summer. However, local food supply stores should continue to support your nutrient needs—these are a great place to find fresh fruit and veg while supporting local vendors.

Below you’ll find seasonal produce rich in Vitamins A, C, E and B6:

  • Bananas
  • Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Collard Greens
  • Kiwi
  • Mangoes
  • Pumpkins
  • Spinach
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Winter Squash

Well-rounded nutrient-dense diets support the body and consequent immune health. Eat what you like and is available to you.

Key Ideas:

Autumn announces the start of the holiday season procession. Supporting your immune health and wellness will allow you to get the most out of the new season. Create a routine and embrace the season in a way that will best support your health and wellness. Below you will find three healthy autumn habits to kickstart your holiday season:

  • Seek Out Seasonal Adventures: implement intentional rest and relaxation
  • Move Your Body: aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week
  • Seasonal Fruit & Veg: focus on consuming vitamin-rich fruits and veg

Whether you have already started your wellness journey—or are simply looking for a first step—remember that your health journey is unique. Implement what resonates with you, your lifestyle and individual journey.

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