Our Team

President and Owner of Mineralife Nutraceuticals
Neil will always prefer to be outdoors. He loves backpacking and rock climbing. He strongly believes that everyone should go on at least one backpacking trip alone in their lifetime. Need tips? Just ask! There is a lot to be learned from spending a little alone time in nature. Canyoneering in Utah is at the top of his most recommended list — one of the most beautiful places to do it.
Logistics Manager at Mineralife Nutraceuticals
JR is a busy bee! Since his daughter has grown up (too fast he would say!), JR and his wife love to travel. Their favorite activity is Scuba Diving whether it be for fun or to help the natural environment. Lionfish are known to be an invasive species in many areas of the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean, and JR has been on the front line more than once to help eradicate them.

Chief Operations Officer at Mineralife Nutraceuticals
Greg has been with Neil since the very beginning. Over the years, Greg has been a trusted business consultant, friend, and leader to Mineralife. While Greg’s number one priority is his family, we know that he will always put his best foot forward to help this company grow beyond its potential.
Director of Operations at Mineralife Nutraceuticals
Becca is generally always on the move. She loves finding a trail with a great view, doing yoga anywhere, kayaking or paddleboarding on any body of water, and dancing at music festivals. Her favorite spots have been Krka National Park in Croatia, Tent Rocks National Park in New Mexico, the entire state of Utah, Greyback Mountain in Colorado, and many local music festivals in Ohio.
Purchasing & Manufacturing Manager at Mineralife Nutraceuticals
Mike is in Sales Development at Mineralife and handles our purchasing. It is never a quiet moment with Mike. He has adventured the seas of Alaska, alleyways in Bangkok and climbed 14,000 foot peaks. He will try anything at least once. At home he is constantly sharing his bad dad jokes with his family while also being the family’s mechanic, plumber, handyman and landscaper. He values exploration and will do anything for his family. Sometimes, you will see him volunteering at his son’s school or going the extra mile to combat homelessness or encourage better treatment of animals. There’s only one thing Mike doesn’t enjoy and that is silence. He will fill the room with his conversation, life stories and more and this shines through working with him every day.
Administration Coordinator at Mineralife Nutraceuticals
Kacy is the Administrative Coordinator for Mineralife. She supports the team by providing human resource support, accounting support and general office support. Kacy brings over 20 years of administrative experience to the team. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, 2 cats and 2 rabbits. She enjoys camping, movies, going to the zoo and football!
Account Coordinator at Mineralife Nutraceuticals
When Jordy is not busy managing accounts at work, she might be at a local State Park hiking. Especially in the summertime, it is her favorite time of the year to be outdoors and find the top of a mountain (plus it’s air-conditioned up there!). When traveling, a beach destination is top of the list. Jordy loves to put work into herself and her loved ones. She believes life is too short to do anything but spread love to those around her. Laughing is her trick to staying happy and healthy! Jordy is passionate about supporting younger generations. After all, they are our future. She spends a lot of time volunteering at her son’s school and sporting events. Jordy also likes to attend community trash pick-up days in her local area.
Customer Success at Zemvelo
Health and Fitness has always been my passion outside of my professional life. When I discovered Zemvelo as a company, I was impressed with the quality of their products and knew when I spoke to customers about their supplement recommendations; I would be recommending supplements that are easy on the digestive system and highly bioavailable.
Working in Customer Success, I have the amazing privilege to work with customers from all over the world and help them find the best solution for their particular needs in their journey to reclaim their health.