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Head, Shoulders, Knees and… Cell Health?

Conversations surrounding health and wellness are commonplace. Prevalent topics—diet, exercise, supplementation—bulk the conversation. But, it is rare to hear individuals chat about their cellular health. Cellular health sounds intimidating. It is typically discussed by medical professionals and scientists. However, we should not avoid it just because it seems daunting! Increasing our understanding of cellular health allows us to add another tool to our health and wellness toolbelt. Healthy cells reflect healthy bodies. Afterall…

We are entirely composed of cells!

What Are Cells?

Our bodies are made entirely of cells. They are the building blocks of life.

Think of it this way: 

Cells 🡪 Tissues 🡪 Organs 🡪 You!

Cells are foundational: the basic unit of life. They are the structural and functional units of all lifeforms. Our cells compose tissues; tissues compose organs; organs compose us.

Cell types vary. Different cells compose different body systems. Appearance and mechanisms differ by cell type, but commonalities exist. Cells generally function to provide structure and convert nutrients into usable energy. Other cells carry out specialized functions. Though this list is not exhaustive, the five primary functions of cells are listed below:

  • Provide Structure: offer a structural basis for all organisms
  • Facilitate Growth: cells divide and multiply through mitosis to facilitate growth
  • Transport Substances: use active and passive transport to bring nutrients in to promote cellular function and push resulting waste out 
  • Energy Production: energy is produced via chemical reactions within cells
  • Carryout Metabolism: chemical reactions metabolically breakdown nutrients for use

Why is this important? When you understand the role of cells in your body, you understand the importance of maintaining and promoting cellular health. Your overall health can be traced back to your cells—the building blocks of your body.

What is Cellular Health?

Though it sounds complex, cellular health just refers to the general health of your cells!

Our holistic body health reflects our cell health. Healthy cells lead the way to a healthy body. Different factors—age, illness, diet, fitness, genetics—play a role in cell health. Different methods exist to slow cellular deterioration. But why should you care about preventing cellular deterioration and maintaining cell health?

When you have poor cell health, you are at risk for the following:

  • Slowed Metabolism: our cells regulate metabolism, so deterioration results in slowing
  • Red Blood Cell Fragility: poses an increased risk of anemia
  • Waste Buildup: inefficient waste removal causes waste buildup within cells

Body aging reflects cell aging. Though we cannot prevent cellular aging, we can be intentional with our cell health to support healthy aging. Being intentional with cell health promotes overall well being. Nutrient-dense diets alongside routine exercise promote cell health.

Remember, if you have explicit concerns about your individual cell health, consult with your healthcare provider.

So, Why Should You Care About Your Cell Health?

You are made of cells! Your outward body health is a direct reflection of your cell health. When we notice increased fatigue or mood changes, this is often our cells communicating from the inside. They express what they need. Caring about health and wellness includes caring about cell health. Afterall…

Happy Cells = Happy Body!

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