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Healthy Summer Habits

Temperatures rising, coffee shops buzzing and sunshine lingering indicates one thing… 


June 21st passed and brought with it a new season. While spring planted seeds of growth, summer fosters the fruit of investment. People often find the longer days, sunshine and warmth motivating—kickstarting health and wellness practices. Below you will find seven healthy summer habits to kickstart a summer of wellness!

7 Healthy Summer Habits

Whether you have already started your wellness journey—or are simply looking for a first step—remember that your health journey is unique. Implement what resonates with you, your lifestyle and individual journey.

(1) Stay Hydrated

Hydration is always important. But, importance increases during the summertime. As we spend time outdoors—soaking up sunlight and sweating out rays—our bodies may become dehydrated. Drinking water promotes internal wellness. It benefits every body system. Drinking water to replenish our bodies is key on a summer day!

It is generally recommended to consume 64 ounces—or eight cups—of water per day.

Average individuals may also use body weight to determine water intake: ounces of water consumed equates your body weight in kilograms.

Example: if you weigh 70 kilograms, aim to drink 70 ounces of water per day.

If you are struggling to reach your water intake goal, consider implementing the chug method. On average, one second of chugging equates to one ounce of water. If you do a 10-second chug seven times throughout the day, you will likely reach the daily recommended value.

(2) Limit Screen Time

Why do we love summer—it is the optimal season to spend outdoors! Whether you are indulging in exercises, reading, community or other activities, summer invites us outdoors.

The warm weather and blooming nature encourage us to set down our devices and ground. Grounding with nature and your direct community supports decreased stress and increased productivity! Consider setting a screen-time goal or limit this summer.

Supplement with movement or simple presence outdoors!

(3) Move Your Body

Exercise is vital in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When we are sedentary—or overactive—our body responds with lowered energy. But, proper, consistent exercise revitalizes our lives in so many ways. Below are five benefits of exercise:

  1. Sustainable energy 
  2. Balanced mood
  3. Healthy sleep quality
  4. Boosts self-esteem
  5. Aids immune function

Exercise promotes sustained energy while releasing stress hormones. Though it may seem counterintuitive, sustainable exercise increases energy levels. Chronic stress promotes lethargy. Absolving stress through physical release—exercise—encourages healthy energy levels.

Consider taking advantage of the summer warmth and sun by exercising outdoors! The best exercise is one that is sustainable for YOU!

Healthy modes of exercise include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Strength Training

If physically able, begin with walking 10k steps every day!

(4) Establish A Sleep Routine

We tend to underestimate the importance of adequate sleep times and the negative effects of too many sleep disruptions.

Average adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

Studies recommend that the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Sleeping too little—and sleeping too much—can cause low energy. Sleep needs differ person to person, so if you have direct concerns, it is always best to speak directly to your healthcare provider. 

Going to sleep and waking up at similar times each day supports sleep regularity. It is tempting to sacrifice sleep as summer offers longer days. But, an established sleep routine will support regulated energy on all your summer quests.

(5) Seek Out Active Weekend Adventures

Whether you are a student taking the summer off or an office worker, find time to take yourself outdoors! State and National Parks are great sources of weekend summer adventure.

Whether you choose to relax and sunbathe—or run the trails—intentional time outdoors supports your health and wellness.

(6) Incorporate Seasonal Fruits & Veg

You have likely heard this saying: food is fuel. Commonplace, but true! Food is—literally—fuel.

Our bodies function on the nutrients we consume. A well-rounded diet allows for optimal body function. Understanding that our bodies run on the basis of what we consume allows us to understand how our diet may be negatively affecting our energy levels via nutrient and diet deficiencies.

Focus on nutrient-dense whole foods. Nutrient-dense whole foods often come in the form of fruits and vegetables. Local farmers markets return once summer comes ‘round—these are a great place to find fresh fruit and veg.

Below you’ll find seasonal summer produce rich in vitamins A, C, E and K:

(7) Soak Up Sun Rays

Summer increases our access to vitamin D via the sun!

Vitamin D holds protective properties, supporting immunity, muscle and brain health. The primary natural source of vitamin D is sunlight. Direct sunlight converts a naturally occurring chemical in your skin to calciferol—active vitamin D. Certain elements—exposure, UV Indexes, time of day—affect the amount of vitamin D produced during sun exposure.

But the bottom line is, soak up those sun rays!

Key Ideas:

Summer provides an opportunity to kickstart healthy habits. Below you will find seven healthy summer habits that support a summer of health and wellness!

  1. Stay Hydrated: generally recommended to consume 64 ounces of water per day
  2. Limit Screen Time: set limits/goals to increase time spent outdoors
  3. Move Your Body: aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week
  4. Establish Sleep Routines: prioritize sleeping 7-9 hours of consistent sleep per night
  5. Seek Out Weekend Adventure: create intentional time outdoors
  6. Seasonal Fruit & Veg: focus on consuming nutrient-filled seasonal fruit and veg
  7. Soak Up Rays: soak up natural vitamin D via increased sunrays

Whether you have already started your wellness journey—or are simply looking for a first step—remember that your health journey is unique. Implement what resonates with you, your lifestyle and individual journey.

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