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Silica: Bones Strong as Stone

Is it true that the mineral that strengthens rocks and stones may also strengthen your bones? Well…YES! Your bones are not—quite—as strong as rocks. But they share mineral composition: silica.

Silica supports collagen production. Collagen—the most abundant protein in our bodies—forms all connective tissue. The substances work together. Collagen creates the framework of our bones by building bonds. Silica strengthens and mobilizes these bonds. Collagen is a protein involved in connective tissue development, but what exactly is silica?

What is Silica?

It is a natural mineral compound composed of silicon and oxygen. It surrounds us in nature—both in natural formations and whole plant foods, and is an essential mineral in living organisms.

Silica & Our Bodies

It assists collagen formation by strengthening protein bonds in our connective tissue. It supports strength, flexibility and renewal in connective tissue bonds. Connective tissue composes our bodies. Bones, muscles, organs and skin function via specialized connective tissue.

Connective tissue composes our skin and bones.

Silica supports strong connective tissue.

Strong connective tissue may be essential in maintaining a healthy body.

This mineral also interacts with calcium and magnesium. It assists calcium and magnesium metabolism. This helps to balance hormones and maintain healthy muscles.

How Much Should You Take?

There is not a daily value established at this time, so it is always best to speak with your healthcare professional to determine what is best for YOU. An upper limit of daily consumption is set: it should not compose more than 2% of your daily food intake.

What Are Natural Sources of Silica?

It is abundant in the following whole foods: 

  • Oats
  • Brown Rice
  • Green Vegetables
  • Tomatoes
  • Whole Grains
  • Root Vegetables

If you are eating a well-rounded diet that is rich in whole foods, then you are likely consuming adequate amounts of trace minerals, including silica. If you struggle to consume the foods above, consider supplementation!

As always, if you have specific concerns regarding your health and mineral consumption, contact your healthcare provider.

Quick Facts: 

Silica assists collagen in creating strong, flexible connective tissue. 

  • What Is It: a trace mineral essential in living organisms
  • What Does It Do: supports collagen production
  • How Much Do I Need: no daily recommended value
  • Where Is It Found: green vegetables and whole grains

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