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Fulvic Acid Should Be A New Addition To Your Diet

What is Fulvic Acid?

Speaking technically, fulvic acid is a biologically active, low molecular weight complex molecule derived from humic shale, or fossilized plant life. It is created by microorganisms in the soil and over time has continued to prove its benefits for many life forms on this planet. It is a great detoxifier (for you and your plants!) and boosts mineral absorption. This nutrient can be especially beneficial in times of stress.

3 Reasons It Can Improve Your Nutrition

1. Improves Gut Health, Boosts Digestion and Enhances Nutrient Absorption

Fulvic Acid increases the absorption of minerals because of its ability to bond with important minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace minerals.  It will also support a slow release of these minerals. Normally, if your body does not have a use for a specific mineral at the time of ingestion, it will flush the mineral out of your body. Fulvic Acid holds onto the minerals and vitamins in your body just a little bit longer, giving your body a chance to absorb the nutrients you need when you need them.

Fulvic Acid also assists the function of your digestive system by creating more ‘good bacteria’ to maintain a healthy environment throughout your digestive tract. It may help alleviate common digestive concerns. Eliminating bad bacteria present in your system and reducing discomfort of the digestive system are some of the benefits of fulvic acid. Without proper nutrient absorption, you may experience common discomforts. Who wants that? Not us.

2. Heavy Metal and Toxin Detox

The electrical charge of fulvic acid allows it to ‘catch’ heavy metals, toxins and other harmful substances in your body. Once caught, it quickly works to break down these harmful substances to make them more water-soluble. When these toxins take on a more water-soluble form it makes it easier for them to be flushed out of your body. This makes fulvic acid a natural detox for your body.

3. Decreases Free Radical Damage and Increase Energy Levels

Fulvic acid provides electrolytes to cells which will extend their life. This service makes it easier for substances to pass through the cellular wall without causing harm to the cell itself. These electrolytes play important roles in heart, muscle, brain and digestive function. Having all systems highly functioning with strong, long-lasting cells will improve energy levels. You will be less susceptible to the biological responses to emotional stress, unbalanced diets, prolonged lack of sleep and/or surgical shocks.

When Should You Take Fulvic Acid?

Overall, fulvic acid will amplify any diet or supplement program by helping your body run more smoothly. Simply getting it into your system at all is a bonus! It does have two uses: detox and maintenance. Larger doses are required for a detox program while smaller doses as maintenance. Check the label of our ActivFulvic supplement for the correct dosages depending on if you are using for the detox or just general maintenance. Whatever you decide, it is best to take up to 2 hours before or after eating so it can get to work quickly helping your body absorb what it needs and flush what it doesn’t!

This supplement in liquid form is known for its off-putting taste if taken by itself, so don’t be alarmed. Drinking orange juice right after taking the supplement can help hide the taste. You can also mix with water or your favorite juice to water it down!

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